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Call to EFRS

Buongiorno Colleghi,

l’EFRS (European Federation of Radiographer Societies) ha aperto una call attraverso la quale individuare colleghi esperti in alcuni dei principali settori di esercizio della nostra professione. EFRS ricerca esperti di alto profili in grado di contribuire attivamente alle sue iniziative.

Potete inviarci le vostre proposte entro DOMENICA 11 febbraio, sulla mail del collegio TSRM FVG:, scrivendo: 

  • nominativo
  • area di esperienza
  • dove ci si è formati
  • allegare CV aggiornato

Di seguito il comunicato originale.


Dear Colleagues,

In order to help the EFRS Board achieve all of our goals for 2018, and for our 3 year strategic plan, we ask for your assistance in identifying ‘Experts’ to join our Expert Network. We use this database to identify individuals to invite to participate in EFRS Working Groups and in our Medical Imaging, Nuclear Medicine, and Radiotherapy Expert Committees.

We would thus ask all of our full and affiliate members to identify individuals in your countries who are true experts in their fields and who you feel will be able to contribute actively to EFRS activities at the highest level.

The EFRS Expert network includes all professional fields and their subspecialties.

We are particularity interested in individuals with expertise in:

  •  Advanced Practice (including reporting) 
  • Communication, care and compassion 
  • Interventional procedures / interventional radiology (including cardiac interventional)
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Patient Safety
  • Radiation Protection

To make sure we have sufficient strength to call upon when required, we really need to identify people who have significant expertise rather than people with just an interest in these areas.

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